The past five years of my life I spent teaching high school Biology. While I loved my job and looked forward to seeing my students everyday, when I looked at veteran teachers I just couldn’t see myself in their shoes. After five years I had already checked off all of my desired accomplishments as a teacher and was noticing the emotional toll teaching took on my body. This June, my husband and I were supposed to move to Raleigh, NC for his promotion into outdoor sales, but due to COVID that was postponed at the last minute. When I had told my principal I didn’t plan on returning in the upcoming school year, I was relieved. I came home and told my husband that I wanted to explore a career change. I spent hours researching different jobs and talking to my wise father about his suggestions. Careers in Computer Science kept popping up on highly recommended lists as having upward mobility, being flexible, and not too high of a stress level. With the urging of my father I checked out Data Science. I have always loved math and science, so why not at least look? Diving deeper into the career description I saw that a Data Scientist is a rising career where individuals have to constantly be learning and pushing themselves to grow. That alone is what had bothered me about teaching. Data is all around us, even someone who claims they don’t enjoy math will discuss the stats of last nights game or take a peek at the current COVID graphs. I realized that Data Science can be used in any field and how broad the career is. Looking into Data Science I saw a secure, flexible job that will allow me to push myself to grow. Simply by signing up for FlatIron’s full time Data Science Bootcamp I could already feel the push to become better.