Your Guide to Jupyter Markdowns

Posted by Lauren Esser on September 30, 2020

Just because we are working with numbers and code doesn’t mean we need to have a boring Jupyter notebook. In this blog we will go over different ways to spice up your notebook and make it visually pleasing for your readers. Ready? Let’s get started.

The Basics

Block Quotes

Here’s how it looks

This is how we create a block quote in Jupyter notebook

If you would like a quote to be nested with your your block quote you can add one more greater than sign.

Or if you REALLY wanted a nest within a nest you can add an additional greater than sign.


There are six different options for headings. The more hashtags there are the smaller the heading. See below.

Here’s how it looks

Header 1

Header 2

Header 3

Header 4

Header 5
Header 6

If you would like to add a hyperlink that doesn’t show the url you can format the link where you click here to access the webpage (I linked mine to Google). Feel free to type in whatever words you would like in place of “here” and that is what will show up in your notebook.

Here’s how you do it


Images have the ability to make your blog or Jupyter notebook better. These visualizations allow the reader to have a better understanding of what you are saying or to be able to see the data visualization that supports your point.

I’d say here’s how it looks, but just look above!

Line Breaks

You have no idea how many times I have tried to make a line break only to hit shift+enter and see no break whatsoever. Therefore, if you need a line break in your Jupyter notebook markdown make sure to hit enter two or more times, depending on how large you would like the break.

Here’s how it looks

What to do

What NOT to do


Making lists is very similar to what you would do anywhere else.

Here’s how it looks

Here is my unordered list:

  • apples
  • bananas
  • oranges

But what if I wanted to list my favorite fruits in order?

Here’s how it looks

Here is my ordered list:

  1. Oranges
  2. Apples
  3. Bananas


If you want a line break, there is no need to create the line by doing dash marks all the way across the screen simply place three dashes and hit enter. You may choose any of the following:

Here’s how it looks




Bold and Italized


The Advanced

Make your markdown look like code

Here is some code!

In order to make the above line look like code, place backticks (the symbol under the tildae ~ top left of your keyboard) around your words.

Tasks List

Here’s how it looks

  • Let’s make some check boxes
  • This makes it easier to know what we have and have not completed.
  • The last box is finished!

Text Box Color


Here is a blue background box. Usually this is used to make notes within the Jupyter notebook. It helps catch the attention of your reader.


Here is a green background box. This is usually used for exciting or positive results!


Here is the yellow background box. Usually this is used for mathematical formulas or small warning messages.


Here is a red background box. This usually demonstrates bad news.

Text Color

Hey this is green text


Hey this is blue text


Hey this is yellow text


Hey this is pink text


Hey this is purple text


Hey this is red text


Hey this is orange text


Hey this is brown text

Text Font

This is a text in Cosmic Sans MC

This is a text in Helvetica

This is a text in Times

This is a text in Verdana

This is a text in Arial

This is a text in Courier

This is a text in Georgia

Highlight your text

Look here I am highlighting my text. The background color I chose is yellow and the font is black.

Let's change it up. Now I am highlighting in blue and my font is yellow. See how easily I can change that up? _______________________________

Embedding your tableu

%%HTML and then paste your embed link provided from tableu prior to publishing.