DataScience101 Blog

From Teacher to Data Scientist

Your Introductory Guide to Pandas SQL

How to Use NewsApi

The news is where we go for up to date information. Therefore, by simply skimming over headlines we can have a decent prediction about what is happening in our world. Within this blog post I will teach you how to connect with NewsApi in order to grab titles for your own personal or professional use.

From Neuron to Convolutional Neural Network

Your Guide to Jupyter Markdowns

Just because we are working with numbers and code doesn’t mean we need to have a boring Jupyter notebook. In this blog we will go over different ways to spice up your notebook and make it visually pleasing for your readers. Ready? Let’s get started.


There are many popular processes for a data scientist to go through in order to complete their work, one of the most popular in the field at this time is a strategy classed OSEMN (rhymes with awesome). Today we will cover the five steps of OSEMN and why it is such a useful tool for data scientists.